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Waynesville Merchants Association Membership

Below is a WMA Membership application form for any village shop or local area partner business that wishes to join the association and benefit from the group activities. Scroll down for membership form.

Membership Levels
Because of the diversity of businesses types and revenue streams in the village and local
area, we have identified the diverse levels of annual association and active participation
listed below.
Non Member – $0 No home page category page click through to profile page.
Lowest level listing placement, store photo or logo and name on applicable category page.
Eligible for village and WMA social media retweets, reposts and links through tags if schedule
Virtual Member – $75 Home page category click through to basic profile page.
Online, mail order or mobile business with no physical location.
Low level listing placement, business photo, name or logo on applicable category page.
Basic profile with single photo and/or logo, business name, address and phone.
Eligible for village and WMA social media retweets, reposts and links through tags if schedule
Associate Member – $175 Map listing only or web site posting with click through to profile.
Low level listing placement, shop photo or logo and name on applicable category page.
Basic business profile with shop photo and logo, short business description with key words.
Full business address, Phone number and shop hours of operation.
Map with location pin and click through to shop directions and location.
Eligible for village and WMA social media retweets, reposts and links through tags if schedule
Full Member – $300 for map placement and website posting with click through to profile.
Highest level listing placement, shop photo or logo and name on applicable category page.
Premium profile with shop photo and/or logo with links.
Full business description with key words, shop or cell phone number and hours of operation.
Additional feature blocks containing photos with captions and links, information, menus, etc.
Instore seasonal and other event features within shop profile and in events posting.
Multiple business listings (two) and mall vendor booth profiles.
Shop web site and applicable Social media links (Face book, Pinterest, Linked-in, Youtube)
Customer email capability directly from shop profile.
Map with location pin and click through to shop directions and location.
Eligible for original association ship and event features and if schedule permits village and
WMA social media retweets, reposts and links through tags.
Eligible for instore event promotion campaigns such as posters, rack cards, etc.
WMA website profile page as online presence.
Mall Vendor Member – $50 for photo and listing on host mall profile page.
Partner Member – $175 for map placement and basic website profile.
Same features as Associate Member

WMA Mission and Objectives:
The expressed purpose of the Waynesville Merchants Association is to increase regional awareness and
promote business opportunities in the village and surrounding ares while driving visitor traffic, sales,
revenue and profit for individual merchants and area partners through these two specific objectives.
1. Identify, engage and drive new visitor traffic to increase new, initial sales, revenue and profit.
2. Generate positive customer lifecycle experiences to drive lifecycle and referral sales, revenue
and profit.
Membership Benefits:
Under new leadership and many new and exciting changes, the Association offers these and
many more opportunities and benefits through membership and active participation.
Engage with and contribute to the growth and stability of the Waynesville merchant community
and the success of individual shops and partners.
Dynamic new, visitor friendly website with a variety of unique member opportunities.
Increased online presence through aggressive social media, email campaigns and other marketing
New and engaging integrated events and shops brochure leveraging the new website.
Many traditional village sponsored events and unique new village and partner sponsored
Expand targeted market east and west on highway 37 and north and south on highway 42.
Engage over 60 area partners that bring in thousands of visitors annually to the area.

WMA Event Sponsoring

Currently, the Merchants Association sponsors four Waynesville Street Faire events; one is each month, June, July, August, and September. Heartwarming Holidays, also organized by the merchants, kick off the holiday season in early November and is one of our most visited events. We pride ourselves as business owners in bringing all the latest of the Season to all the shops for visitors to purchase and enjoy.  All shops and restaurants open their doors wide during Christmas in the Village to make it a magical time to visit while walking the town in the spirit of an old-fashioned Holiday experience.  You will love the carriage rides, costume characters, and strolling musicians that accent the festivities.

In addition to sponsoring these events, the Merchants Association also prepares a travel brochure for distribution, maintains a community website, and schedules cooperative advertising to benefit the merchant community. Click on the form below to make a formal recommendation for and event, marketing initiative, or event to the WMA board. All ideas are encouraged but not all can be implemented due to costs and resource availability.

This is a locked MSWord form. You cannot modify the form, you can only provide the information required in the form’s fields. Download the form into MSWord and click on “view” and “edit document” in the top navigation strip. Then you can “tab” down through the form’s fields and “click” on applicable boxes and type in requested information in the applicable “text fields”. Once the form is complete, you can save it with the name of your choice to preserve the blank form.

Waynesville, Ohio

Waynesville is looking forward to bringing you some of the most unique finds in the country. Visit sixty shops, restaurants, and overnight stay facilities on Main Street, High Street, Miami Street, and Scioto Square. Don’t forget the businesses on Rt 73, which are a part of our Waynesville Merchant Community.


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